femLINKpacific is a local, regional, and national catalyst for change through the use of accessible media and information. We seek a pacific region where there is gender justice, ecological sustainability, peace, freedom, equality and human rights.

Our Mission

Our mission is to be a strong and effective feminist media platform for the community, recognising and affirming our multi-ethnic and multi-faith founding principles in order to create visibility on the issues faced within our society.

We strive to ensure that women, girls and under-served groups have consistent access to key information and communication platforms to enable dialogue and solutions, raise awareness for women’s leadership, and inspire shifts in public and political opinion.

femLINKpacific aims to address the imbalances upheld by traditional gender roles in decision-making structures which impede women & girls' effective participation, especially from the rural population and the poor, in communicating openly on common matters.

Our Feminist Principles

femLINKpacific believes that all persons, notably the marginalized, should be treated equally regardless of actual or supposed “differentiating” characteristics. These include; gender/gender expression, assigned sex, age, ability, ethnicity, religion or faith, sexual orientation, primary language, economic status, family status, or opinion.

Media and ICT can be a powerful force for positive social change. Radio, TV, printed and social media, as well as mobiles and interpersonal communication, can engage large numbers of people in a relatively inexpensive fashion - facilitating the exchange of information, ideas, dialogue, discussion, and debate.