Current Features
“Our media initiatives provide women with the freedom, safe space and independence to produce programmes as a way of representing their voice; women are recognized as advocates in their community. ”
femTALK 89FM (Feb'20) Suva: Yadrayadravi Program - Justin Maravu
femTALK 89FM Morning Waves host Yvonne Nanovu speaks to Justin Maravu in this Yadrayadravi program. The discussion was around the Yadrayadravi Accountability and Monitoring Project and how we can strengthen civil society organisations in Cakaudrove to practice good governance and accountability. Justin also shared on the activity that Adventist Development Relief Agency (ADRA) hosted in Cakaudrove with school students and the success of this oratory contest.
femTALK 89FM (Feb'20) Suva: Rainbow Connection - Rainbow Pride Foundation
You’re listening to FemTALK89FM, I’m Kalis Vaeceece reporting from the Rainbow Pride Foundation. Here with me is Isikeli Vulavou the Executive Director for the Rainbow Pride Foundation based here in Fiji and Shakira and Simione Tuni who are part of the Rainbow Pride Foundation.
Radio With Pictures 2019
Ep 1 - Disability For this segment of the 3-part series, we hear from person’s living with disability, carers and advocates in this segment on their individual role in the disability movement.
EP 2 - Women In Leadership During the discussion at the 2nd National Consultation in Suva, these women leaders spoke on their role as women leaders in their communities, the challenges they’re faced with and solutions to these challenges.
Ep 3 - Women's Economic Empowerment In this episode, the women leaders discussed the issue of economic empowerment, the challenge that comes with it and the solutions to these challenges.