Our Programs
FemTALK 89FM is a vibrant, women-led, community radio network that promotes femLINKpacific’s feminist values and inclusion. We facilitate a multiracial, rural community media grid that remains a key tool in securing commitments to women’s rights in the Pacific. FemTALK89FM broadcasts on a 24 hour basis in Suva, Fiji and a 5 hour period in Labasa, Fiji.
suitcase radio
As an iconic pillar in the early upbringing of our company, the portable ‘suitcase radio’ technology allows femLINKpacific to reach women across the nation and discuss important issues that affect them. Whether it be a local market floor or a women’s group meeting, our widespread broadcasts inspire female decision-makers. Much of the work of the suitcase radio has been bridging the intergenerational gap that exists – with young women learning the technology and older women finding their voice, often after years of being told to be silent. Through this program, we demonstrate that all women can improve their media literacy and utilize these tools and technologies to access and produce news and information.
FemLINKpacific continues to campaign for the inclusion of women in all aspects of disaster preparedness, response and recovery. As a model for monitoring approaching storms and disaster management, WWW provides real-time information with a local touch while involving and consulting women before, during and after natural disasters.The Women’s Weather Watch campaign demonstrates the vital role of community media and radio, to communicate weather patterns and warnings to those generally overlooked; women in rural and remote communities, as well as disability and LGBTQ+ rights networks.