When you hear “COVID” - the next reaction....

Litia Masei was one of 12 women that came together yesterday to share their safety and security concerns of women and girls in Lautoka City against a backdrop of the COVID-19 Pandemic

Lautoka City was the first locality that went into a “lockdown” when Fiji’s first reported case was announced on March 19, 2020.

Two and a half months later in yesterday’s Lautoka convening of the Rural Women’s Leaders Community Media Network (RWLCMN), Litia and women network members, are still contemplating and reviewing what comes next.

The fear of the unknown with this ‘mystery virus,’ and the safety and security measures of them, their families and communities are still prevalent and even more deep-seated as they continue to wonder about the current situation they’re in, the duration of the pandemic restrictions and impact that these would have.

“They were affected by that and they lock their houses. They stay inside and they don’t even know why they are staying inside, just because of that news of COVID-19. Because COVID-19 causes death. The word, “death,” “said Masei as she shared on her assessment visits to communities as a DCOSS member.

The Lautoka rural women’s network reported the surge in support for assistance, the worry revolving around political security through the effect of the relevant legislation, the mental well-being of network members and the effect on the LGBTQI community.

Visit our website https://www.femlinkpacific.org.fj/ for more COVID-19 impact stories from femLINKpacific’s Rural Women Leaders Community Media Network (RWLCMN).

femLINKpacific has commenced the scaled-down rural women’s convenings and are also documenting issues for the Fijian Government 2020-2021 National Budget Submission.